Audio / Video
You can use the flash player to listen to the songs or links in the list to
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Young Prague 2006
- Tanec a píseň - Pavel Staněk (9MB)
- Povídání - Miloš Machek (8MB)
- Gloria Sancti - Pavel Staněk (6MB)
- Súčanské čardáše - Karol Pádivý (8MB)
Young Prague 2008
- Country and Western - Harold Walters (7MB)
- U Veličků - Evžen Zámečník (5MB)
- Czardas - Pavel Staněk (8MB)
Mittleuropa Blasmusikfest 2015
- Where the river flows I. The new frontier - James Swearingen(5MB)
- Where the river flows II. Bring back my child - James Swearingen(3MB)
- Where the river flows III. Great chief - James Swearingen(4MB)
Jarní koncert - 19.6.2010 v uničovském kině
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